If you are considering options to replace missing teeth, porcelain dental bridges might be the solution you need to restore your smile and confidence. A porcelain dental bridge is a nonremovable dental restoration designed to fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth. This type of bridge is held securely in place by dental crowns on either side of the gap, ensuring a natural look and long-lasting durability.

Porcelain dental bridges offer several benefits, including:

  • They restore your ability to speak and chew properly, which can often be affected by missing teeth.
  • They prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of position, which can lead to further dental issues down the road.
  • A well-fitted porcelain bridge can enhance the overall appearance of your smile and the shape of your face, giving you a more youthful and balanced look.

The process of getting a porcelain dental bridge typically requires two visits to State Street Dental. During the first visit, our experienced dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by reshaping them to accommodate the crowns. We will then take impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom bridge. A temporary bridge will be placed to protect your teeth and gums until your permanent bridge is ready.

On your second visit, Dr. Gregory Davis will remove the temporary bridge and fit your custom porcelain bridge, ensuring it fits perfectly and feels comfortable. Our goal is to provide a restoration that not only looks great but also feels as natural as your original teeth.

Porcelain dental bridges are a durable and aesthetically pleasing option for those looking to replace missing teeth. They blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, offering a discreet and effective solution. To schedule your personal consultation with our skilled dentist, and learn if a porcelain dental bridge in Boise, Idaho, is right for you, please call our office at 208-939-1700. Our team is here to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.