Dental crowns, or caps, are a key solution in restorative dentistry. When a tooth has sustained significant damage or decay, a dental crown can restore its function and appearance. These custom-made restorations cover the entire visible portion of the tooth, providing protection and enhancing its shape. At State Street Dental, we prioritize the use of tooth-colored materials like porcelain to ensure your crown blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Our dentist may recommend a dental crown for several reasons, including:

  • Protecting a tooth after root canal treatment
  • Anchoring and attaching a dental bridge
  • Covering and completing a dental implant
  • Enhancing the beauty of your smile
  • Improving the shape of a misshapen tooth
  • Strengthening a fractured or weak tooth
  • Supporting a tooth with a large filling when little natural structure remains

Porcelain dental crowns are particularly favored for their aesthetic and functional benefits. Porcelain mimics the look and feel of natural tooth enamel, offering a beautiful and durable solution. This material not only restores the tooth’s appearance but also provides long-lasting results. Dr. Gregory Davis often uses Procera® dental crowns when restoring your teeth and smile. Procera crowns are a specific type of porcelain crown noted for their precision and strength, and offer a number of advantages, including exact color matching and biocompatibility.

The process of getting a crown typically involves two appointments. During the first visit, our dentist will take impressions and prepare the tooth. A temporary crown will be placed to protect your tooth while the final crown is being fabricated. At the second appointment, the permanent crown will be fitted and adjusted for optimal comfort and function.

To learn more about porcelain dental crowns in Boise, Idaho, or to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentist, call our office today at 208-939-1700. We are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.